15 September 2020

'Rule of 6' from 14th September

What are the new rules in England?

From Monday 14th September we can only accept reservations for up to 6 people unless you are from the same household. When you visit a restaurant you should:

  • follow the limits on the number of other people you should meet with as a group - no more than six people unless you all live together (or are in the same support bubble)
  • avoid social interaction with anyone outside the group you are with, even if you see other people you know
  • provide your contact details to the organiser so that you can be contacted if needed by theĀ NHS Test and Trace programme - we will keep a record of your contact details for 21 days from your visit.

Wedding reception exception

As a Covid-19 secure venue we can hold wedding receptions for up to 30 guests. Please get in touch if you have plans you would like to discuss.

"Wedding and civil partnership ceremonies and receptions - up to 30 people, in a public place."

Source: gov.co.uk

For the full government guidelines and rules on meeting with others from 14th September 2020 click on link below:


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