13 March 2020


Our response to the Coronavirus
It is our responsibility to protect our customers, staff and the future of our business. 
As a restaurant hygiene and cleanliness is already a priority but we are taking extra precautions to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus.
We already use antibacterial spray on tables between sittings but will also be sanitising menus between customer use and wiping door handles and surfaces with antibacterial spray at regular intervals throughout service. All condiments have been removed from tables and are being sanitised between customer use - these will be offered or available on request.
Please can we ask for your help in keeping our restaurant and wine bar safe by following the Government advice and stay away if you have symptoms of the virus;
- a high temperature
- a new, continuous cough
The Government advice is to stay at home for 7 days and seek advice from the NHS UK website.
You will always receive a warm welcome when you come to William & Victoria but we politely ask that you refrain from shaking hands with our staff and understand the importance to minimise physical contact.
All staff members are under strict instructions to stay at home and self isolate for 7 days (following the latest Government advice) if they experience a high temperature or cough or if they believe they have come in contact with anyone who has Coronavirus. All staff are washing their hands regularly and following strict guidelines on hygiene.
We would like to assure you that we are taking all steps within our power to minimise risk to our customers and staff as it is important that we stay open for business and keep trading for as long as possible until advised differently by the Government.
If you are fit and well then please support us and other local businesses to ensure we are around in the future.
Thank you for your co operation and continued custom.
Government Advice:
NHS Advice:

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